One of the main goals of Ravenfield is to provide an accessible yet powerful platform to create custom content!” Ravenfield ? Ravenfield will have modding support, including custom levels, vehicles and weapons. All 15+ game levels are present on the world map, and the player must decide what territories to conquer in order to supply their troops with reinforcements and resources. On top of fighting battles, the player must also manage their army placement, resource control, and aquire new weapons and vehicles for use on the battlefield. Early access allows the community to be closely connected to the development of the game, while also providing the developer with feedback and bug reports so the game can be improved.” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “The full release of Ravenfield is scheduled to happen around 2021.” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? “The full version of Ravenfield will feature a conquest campaign mode where two teams fight to take control over a world map. “Ravenfield is developed by one person and is largely influenced by feedback and ideas from its community. While some content, such as new weapons, vehicles and maps will be released on a regular basis, other key features will be added roughly in the following order: Ravenfield Directly Download

Additionally, incremental updates are distributed via a beta branch for those who do not fear slightly more buggy releases. The game is designed to be easy to pick up and play, but also rewarding for all skill levels! Easy-to-pickup, singleplayer mayhem Fight as infantry, or in ground vehicles, aircraft, or watercraft Active ragdoll physics combines tactical strategies with a sprinkle of silly fun The number of combatants is only limited by what your computer can handle! Damaged soldiers drop team-colored blood splats, indicating where battles have taken place Development Roadmap Ravenfield is being developed as an early access game, with major content updates scheduled to be released every 4-6 weeks. Fight upon the Ravenfield together with your Blue allies! Take down those pesky Reds using helicopters, tanks, guns, and active ragdoll physics! Ravenfield is a singleplayer game in the vein of older team-vs-team AI shooters.